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CST Elite Outlook


CST Elite Teams | Grade 2-12


Alpha teams will participate in tournaments throughout the tri-state area and beyond depending on demand and team ability. Each tournament will consist of 3 or more games and will be played at various locations. Tournaments may be one or two days long and/or overnight so please be prepared to give up entire weekend. All current players will be evaluated for placement. Team format will follow that of Team USA. There will be a game roster with additional practice players. Roster can change based on merit, attendance, ability and dedication to the CST mission. Practice will consist of skill development, strength & conditioning and team building. Playing time will be at the discretion of the coaches.



Beta teams will participate in fall tournament as well as a winter league. Spring season will consist of tournament play only. Each tournament will consist of 3 or more games. The league will consist of weekend games played at various locations in the surrounding area depending on grade level. During the winter months, grades 2-8 will compete in the local league at Basketball City. Tournaments may be one or two days long so please be prepared to give up an entire weekend. All current players will be evaluated for placement. Practice will consist of skill development, strength & conditioning and team building concepts. Playing time will be at the discretion of the coaches. 


Sentinel teams will participate in a local league at Basketball City during the winter months. During the Fall and Spring we will focus on skill & team building. There will be local scrimmages and smaller tournaments scheduled during these seasons at the coach’s discretion. Teams will be limited to 9 players to maximize playing time. Players who excel in this program can be called up to join the Beta program at any time. All current players will be evaluated for placement. Teams that are excelling at the local level may be considered for tournament play. Practice will consist of skill development and team building concepts. Playing time will be spread out accordingly to get each player more game experience.